What Is The Co-Managed IT Services Model (CoMITS)?

What Is The Co-Managed IT Services Model (CoMITS)?

Co-managed IT service (CoMITSis a rather new idea that creates a partnership between an internal IT department and an external service company like Andromeda.  Co-Managed IT Services are essentially meant to help you get more done by augmenting specific elements of your IT Service and infrastructure with a professional outsourced IT team. The best part about it is the CoMITS relationship is fully customizable so you get what you need without paying for what you don’t. 

Who is it for? 

The co-managed IT service structure is built to be a partnership between an internal IT person/team and an MSP. It takes cooperation between the two to give an organization the best service, security, and maintenance possible.  

Co-Managed IT is a great fit for:  

  • Your IT department that may be overwhelmed with tasks and may need some support.  
  • Your internal IT support that may be lacking in one or more specific skillsets.  CoMIT services will fill in that gap. Andromeda provides the specialists in all fields and lends them to your organization.

How does It Work? 

As stated above, the co-managed IT partnership is fully customizable, so it can mean different things to different organizations but here are a few solutions to think about: 

  1. Internal IT handles everything with workstations & users with Andromeda handling your servers & infrastructure. 
  2. Basically, the opposite of #1. Andromeda handles workstations & users, while you handle servers & infrastructure. 
  3. Andromeda handles emergencies. We offer tools and best practices for your internal IT and may also do the monitoring of systems. When anything outside your internal IT departments scope of expertise comes up, we are here to support them and handle any issues. Basically, Andromeda becomes familiar with your systems, then waits on the sidelines until you need us. We have the familiarity to handle the situation quickly and painlessly. 
  4. We are your specialists. This will seem similar to #3, but it really isn’t. When you are making hardware purchases, we can offer our advice, do the purchasing for you and also installation. Any time the internal person/team has a question, our specialist are available for consult. This includes training, monitoring, best practices and procedures, access to tools, support, management, back-up and recovery, among many other services. 
  5. Some subset of services that is customized to fit your needs.

Is Co-managed IT For You And Your Organization? 

If you have an IT person or team, then the answer is yes! Because this solution is completely customizable for your organization, there is no scenario where we can’t partner for the best results. We would both be looking out for the ultimate success of your business.  

Because of the customization of the partnership, we are flexible to integrate our services with your needs. We don’t force our way on your team. We don’t step in and take over. We do work together and share responsibilities and knowledge. 

Our ultimate goal is to support your organization. Our main focus and expertise as an MSP becomes a tool to use for the success of your business. This collaboration gives your team whatever they need to do the best job possible. 

 If you have any questions about CoMITS, then our team is here to answer them. Let’s start a conversation. 


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